Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why does BC not cover drug therapy for Alzheimer's Disease?

What I've found extremely interesting so far is the disparity between coverage of dementia drugs under provincial Pharmacare programs across provinces. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This blog was started through the gentle prodding of my fiancé, who, convinced that the white-coat researcher/writer in me needs a canvas (or at least a clean lab bench) pointed me to this spot. I have a Masters in neuroscience with a focus on Alzheimer's Disease and have worked on many other Seniors' health research issues however I am now foraying into the world of health policy which has been a keen fascination for a while. The Canadian healthcare system offers a particularly excellent petri dish in which to observe the effects of policy implementation contrasted with the burgeoning changes in the US healthcare system.

The goal of this blog will be almost a general, frequently updated literature review on Senior health policy developments, be it in the form of newspaper articles, academic publications or just general grey literature. Since my interest is particularly in the area of Dementia, I will probably focus most of my energy, thoughts and criticisms on it. I am more than open to suggestions and constructive comments, though, be warned, I am new to this whole process (blogging, not lit reviews) so please be patient with any faux pas (which I'm certain will happen, so here's my preemptive apology).